GNATS PR handling performance report for Category "port-pmppc"

Automatically generated on 2 Jun 2024 10:00:01 GMT

Category port-pmppc is for NetBSD/pmppc bugs.

For problem reports originating in a given year in this category, here are the min/max/mean/median Time To Close, plus bucket counts for problem reports closed within certain time periods.

One month is defined as 30 days, and one year as 365 days.

YearOpenedClosedMin TTCMax TTCMean TTCMedian TTC1 hour1 day7 days30 days90 days1 year
200322 6m 15d 10:43:40
6m 21d 20:32:27
6m 18d 15:38:03 6m 21d 20:32:272 (100%)

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